Singing Guide: Little Mix feat. Stormzy

Singing Guide: Little Mix feat. Stormzy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you a fan of Little Mix and Stormzy's collaboration "Power"? Have you ever wondered how to achieve their powerful vocal performance? In this article, we will explore the unique vocal technique of Little Mix and Stormzy and provide practical advice to help you learn how to sing like them.

Little Mix is a British pop girl group known for their tight harmonies and powerful vocals. They are known for their ability to blend together with little effort. They showcase their unique vocal technique in their hit song "Power" which features Stormzy. In the song, they display their powerful vocal range and their ability to mix their voices together.

To learn how to sing like Little Mix, start by analyzing your own voice. Singing Carrots has a helpful article on how to analyze your voice that can aid you in this process. Once you identify your vocal type, you can start building your voice to match Little Mix's sound.

Breathing is also a crucial part of singing, which is why Singing Carrots has an article about breathing basics. Pay attention to how Little Mix uses breath support to add power to their performances. They also use open mouth and throat techniques that are covered in another article by Singing Carrots.

Little Mix and Stormzy both employ contemporary singing styles that we cover in our article about contemporary vocal techniques. Twang and belting are two techniques used by Little Mix and Stormzy to convey power and impact in their performances. Our videos cover these techniques as well.

Song selection is also crucial when learning to sing like your favorite artists. Singing Carrots' song search feature lets you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, so you can choose the best match for you. You can also search for songs Little Mix and Stormzy have covered.

Remember that Little Mix's ability to blend their voices comes from practice and repetition. In our article about how to learn a song effectively, Singing Carrots covers techniques that will help you practice to get the most out of your performance.

Vocal health is crucial when singing for extended periods of time. Singing Carrots has a helpful article with advice on how to maintain your vocal health to prevent damage. Proper posture and good form can also reduce the chance of vocal damage, as explained in our article about how posture affects your singing.

In summary, to learn how to sing like Little Mix and Stormzy, start by analyzing your own voice and identifying your vocal type. Pay attention to how they use breath support, open mouth and throat techniques, and contemporary singing styles like twang and belting. Select songs that match your vocal range and difficulty level and practice effectively. Above all, maintain good vocal health to avoid damage. With dedication and practice, you can learn how to sing like Little Mix and Stormzy and start adding power to your performances!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.